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Dinosaur Planet Documentary


A male Pyroraptor named Pod hunts with his pack consisting of his two young sisters. On his home island in Romania, he relies on his intelligence to hold his own against giant enemies, mainly his rival hunter, Tarascosaurus.

One day, Pod and his island inhabitance feel a massive tremor which causes an Iguanodon stampede. Pod and his sisters flee to the shoreline to escape the stampede. At the shoreline, a tsunami sweeps Pod and the other dinosaurs away. Only Pod and one of sisters survives clinging to life on a log. The next day, Pod's sister is eaten by a plesiosaur. On his third day on the log, Pod is swept onto an island and collapses from exhaustion.


As Pod sleeps, dwarf Pyroraptor squabble with Allodaposuchus over what they believe to be Pod's carcass. During the fighting, Pod is awakened by the noise and scares the Allodaposuchus away. Because they look like him, Pod attempts to join the dwarf Pyroraptor's pack, but they run away, terrified.


Pod follows the dwarf Pyroraptor believing they can lead him to his own kind. Instead, Pod is astounded to find that all of the island's species are dwarf versions of animals back in his homeland. Having lived in a world where size determined a dinosaurs survival, Pod is baffled by the small creatures. In a last attempt to find his own kind, Pod climbs to the top of a cliff and shrieks only to hear his own echo and believe it's another Pyroraptor. Dwarf Troodon hear the cries and go to Pod. Pod walks away but the curious Troodon follow.


Pod finds several dwarf Tarascosaurus feasting on an Magyarosaurus. Pod then realizes that the only thing that kept him on the bottom back at his home island was his relative size. With his size and intelligence, Pod kills one of the Tarascosaurus and scares away the others, becoming the apex predator on the island. Seeing the advantages, the Troodon join Pod as his pack. When Pod returns to the shore days later, he finds the log that saved him.


Multimedia: - Videos
»The 2012 Transit of Venus


»Dinosaur Planet Documentary
